Monday, March 22, 2010

Violettes Blanches, Lapin Blanc...

Jannick is a quadragénaire who has a Breton name, and the ruddy complexion of a Normand. The Vikings and the Celts clearly passed this way a thousand years or so ago during a previous episode of La Grande Histoire de l'Immigration en Vendée.

Today he was collecting feuilles de chou for his rabbits, wearing un-Viking un-agriculteur jeans and trainers.

Violette blanche-Viola alba

"J'ai une lapine qui a fait quarante-huit lapins en quatre ans...Je donne des bananes aux petits, et après, des feuilles de chou."

He proceeded to give a detailed gastro-anatomical description of the Easter treat he had in store for the lapine de quatre kilos, which involved:

Gras de porc...sel...poivre...quatre épices...ciboulette...ail...échalote

"Je fais des boules de pâté, et ma femme s'occupe du reste"

For readers of a sensitive nature, we will not go into a detailed description of the soon-to-be ex- Lapine. Mainly because of her white fur and pink eyes. [It might help if we imagine Jannick saving it from a worse fate: appearance on stage with Paul Daniels, during one of his fake French lessons. Ed]

Walking back home, crossing the bridge over the stream, a spring breeze carried the scent of a thousand violettes blanches.


Lapine: Lapin femelle

Banane: Are you kidding?

Ciboulette: Petit oignon, on mange les feuilles.

If you have difficulty guessing the rest, scroll down to the first post, and revise.

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